Volunteer Program
The Artist Lab invites high school students to apply for its volunteer program. Interested students should review the guidelines below and contact the studio manager for further information.
To fulfill Community Service/Volunteering Hours at The Artist Lab, students must follow the guidelines outlined below. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in denial of the volunteering opportunity.
Student Requirements:
Requesting Volunteering Time: Students (not parents) must contact a Teacher or the Coordinator at least 3 days in advance to schedule a volunteering day/time.
Teacher’s Discretion: Teachers have the right to deny any request for volunteering.
On the First Day of Volunteering: Students must bring their Community Service Paperwork to the Main Office before signing in and receiving a visitor’s badge.
No volunteering will be allowed in classrooms without proper service hour documentation.
Parent permission, including contact numbers, must be included in the paperwork.
Coordinator/Teacher Responsibilities:
The Coordinator/Teacher must coordinate and confirm the student’s service day/time at least 3 days in advance.
They are responsible for arranging meaningful service opportunities for the student.
Either the Coordinator or Teacher may sign and date the Community Service/Volunteer Hours paperwork once the service is completed.
Office Staff Responsibilities:
When the student arrives to volunteer, office staff must notify the Coordinator to confirm the arrangement.
Code of Conduct for Student Volunteers:
Dress Code: Wear appropriate attire for working with children in a classroom setting.
Cell Phones: Cell phones must be put away during school hours—no calling or texting
Supervision: Stay under the direct supervision of your assigned supervisor.
Socializing: No socializing with other volunteers or visiting other classrooms during service hours.
Eating/Gum: No eating or chewing gum in the classroom.
Language and Conduct: Use appropriate language and maintain a respectful relationship with both students and staff.
Lunch: If volunteering during lunch, students are expected to bring their own lunch.
Selection Criteria:
Selection for volunteer positions will be based on the following:
Your application
Willingness and ability to commit to the requested weekly hours
Previous community service experience
Personal maturity level
Educational background and career interests
Skills and Experience Needed:
The most important trait for a successful volunteer is a friendly, customer-focused attitude. No medical or clinical experience is required. Key characteristics for success include:
A willingness to serve and give back to the community
Being helpful, caring, and communicative
Strong communication skills